IESC, Cargèse, Corsica, France, 7-13 May 2023
Rationale : The Kepler satellite has revealed thousands of planets orbiting within a few 0.1 au’s from their host stars. The conference will address the origin of these abundant close-in multi-planetary systems by exploring the environmental conditions that prevailed at the time of their birth within the inner astronomical unit of circumstellar disks. Building on the state-of-the art observations and models of inner planets, disks and outflows, it will address our understanding of inner planet formation and evolution, accretion/ejection processes at the inner disk edge, and star-planet-inner disk interactions.
The meeting will take place at the
Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC), Corsica, France, from
May 7 to 13, 2023. The preliminary program includes the following scientific sessions:
- I - Inner planet formation
- II - Young inner planet detection
- III - Inner disk structure
- IV - Accretion and ejections processes
- V - Star-planets-inner disk interactions
- VI - The inner disk in context: linking the inner and outer scales
- VII - Clues from Solar System planets and minor bodies
- VIII - Future and prospects
The conference will gather experts of the field and promote the participation of young researchers and PhD students. Review and contributed talks will be complemented by dedicated poster sessions. The conference will be limited to 100 participants to accommodate the maximum capacity of the conference center's amphitheatre.